B.A. VI Semester Examination
Course No.: UEDTE-603
Time Allowed- 2½ Hours Maximum Marks-80
Note: The question Paper consists of three sections.
In Section A, all questions are compulsory and each question carries 03 marks.
In Section B, All questions are compulsory and each question carries 07 marks.
In Section C, attempt only two questions from all the questions and each question carries 15 marks.
1. Define Elementary education in Indian context.
2. What is memory?
3. Define Social Change.
4. What is the role of UGC?
5. Define Mode.
6. What are the objectives of Higher education in India?
7. Factors for forgetting.
8. Education as an agency of social change. Discuss.
9. What are the functions of UGC?
10. Calculate Median from the following frequency distribution.
C.I. F
45-49 2
40-44 3
35-39 2
30-34 6
25-29 8
11. Explain clearly the difference between formal, informal and non formal education by giving suitable examples. (15)
12. Define Transfer of Learning. Discuss various forms of transfer of learning. (5+10)
13. Define Culture. Discuss the relationship between Culture and Education. (5+10)
14. Discuss the composition and functions of NCERT. (8+7)
15. Calculate mean from the following frequency distribution by both long and short method.
C.I. F
70-74 5
65-69 4
60-64 6
55-59 7
50-54 9
45-49 6