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B.Sc. V - Semester Examination CBS-Vs/5 (R&P) 27981 CHEMISTRY Course No.: UCHTE - 501 Time Allowed-2½ Hours                     ...

Chemistry B.Sc. 5th-Semester Previous Year Old Question Paper Jammu University, Under Graduation

B.Sc. V - Semester Examination

CBS-Vs/5 (R&P) 27981


Course No.: UCHTE - 501

Time Allowed-2½ Hours                                                                                   Maximum Marks-80


Answer all questions.      (5×3=15)

1. What is isotopic substitution?

2 What is actinometry?

3. Write the chemical formula of sodium nitroprusside. Write its two chemical properties.

4. What is a hot band?

5. Complete the following reaction. Write two physical properties of B.

2K2 MnO4 +Cl2→ A+B        (1+2)


Answer all questions.          (5x7=35)

6. What are overtones? Give reasons for appearance of overtones in vibration spectroscopy? (2+5)

7. What is Lambert Beer's law? Explain molar absorption coefficient.        (5+2)

8. Draw molecular energy level diagram of ferrocene.

9. How second law of photochemistry is used to explain quantum yield?

10. Which metal is present in chlorophyll and how this metal is responsible for photo behavior of chlorophyll?


Answer any two questions.       (2×15=30)

11.  a). Write a small note on magnetic susceptibility of diamagnetic substances.

      b) Explain Clausius - Mossotti equation.

12. Explain with three examples effective atomic number (EAN) rule in mononuclear carbonyls having metallic atom with even atomic number.

13. a) What is induced dipole moment?

      b) Write a small note on biological functions of the below mentioned elements in biological systems.

i) Na+

ii) Mg2+

iii) K+  

iv) Ca2+

14. a) Write a note on laws of photochemistry.

      b) Explain examples of low and high quantum yields.

15. Explain briefly the following

i) Ferromagnetism.

ii) Quenching.

iii) Optical activity.      (3´5)