B.Sc. V Semester Examination
CBS-Vs/5 (R&P)
Course No.: UBOTE -501
Time Allowed- 2½
Hours Maximum
Attempt all the parts of the
compulsory question 1 from Section A,
all the five questions from Section B and any two questions from Section C.
Draw neatly labeled diagrams wherever required. Marks for the questions are
indicated in the paper.
1. Write briefly (70-80 words) on each of the following. (5×3=15)
i) r-DNA.
ii) Telomere.
iii) t-RNA.
iv) Nullisomics and Monosomics.
v) Transitions and Transversions.
2. Discuss the fluid-mosaic model of the plasma membrane and its functions in the living cell.
3. What is extra nuclear inheritance? Illustrate with reference to plastids.
4. Discuss the nucleosome model of the organization of eukaryotic genome.
5. What are aneuploids? Classify giving illustrative examples.
6. What are non-allelic interactions? Illustrate with the help of complementary factors.
7. Elucidate the structure and function of endoplasmic reticulum with examples of cell types in which the system is well developed.
8. Why is meiosis called the reductional division? Elucidate through stages of meiosis-I.
9. Discuss the features of the genetic code. How does the code control primary structure of proteins.
10. Classify euploids. Discuss the role of allopolyploidy in the origin of wheat.
11. Elucidate the role of linkage and crossing in gene mapping with a hypothetical example.