B.A. / B.Sc. V Semester Examination
Course NO.: 501
Time Allowed: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 80
Note: Attempt any five questions, selecting one from each unit. All questions carry equal marks.
Unit – I
1. a) Define the Cartesian product of two sets A and B. Show that (A×B) ∩ (C×D) = (A∩B) × (B∩D) for any sets A, B, C, and D.
b) Define a relation and inverse of a relation. If R-1 and S-1 are inverse of relations R and S, respectively, then show that (SoR)-1 = R-1oS-1.
2. a) If R is an equivalence relation on a set X and [É‘] denotes the equivalence class of É‘ ∈ X, the show that [É‘] = [b] if and only if É‘ ∈ [b], ∀ É‘, b ∈ X.
b) If Æ’: A ➝ B and g: B ➝ C are maps such that goÆ’: A ➝ C is onto, then show that g is onto but Æ’ need not be onto.
Unit – II
3. a) Give an example of the following:
i) A finite non-abelian group.
ii) An infinite non-abelian group.
b) Define the order of a group. If G is a group of even order, then prove that there is an element É‘ ≠ e in G such that É‘2 = e.
4. a) Define a subgroup of a group. Let G be a group and H = {a ∈ G; ab = ba, ∀ b ∈ G}. Prove that H is a subgroup of G.
b) Define a cyclic group. Prove that every group of prime order is cyclic.
Unit – III
5. a) Define left coset of a subgroup in a group. Prove that any two left cosets of a subgroup H in a group G are either identical or disjoint.
b) If H and K are subgroups of a group G, then prove that HK is a subgroup of G iff HK = KH.
6. a) Give an example of a non-abelian group G a normal subgroup H of G such that the quotient group G/H is abelian.
b) Prove that every proper subgroup of an infinite cyclic group is infinite.
Unit – IV
7. a) Let G be a group and É‘ be any fixed element of G. Prove that the mapping Æ’: G ➝ G defined by Æ’(x) = xÉ‘x-1, ∀ x ∈ G is an isomorphism of G onto G.
b) Show that any cyclic group of order n is homomorphic to the additive group of residue classes modulo n.
Unit - V
9. a) Give an example of a ring which contains elements a, b such that (a + b)2 ≠ a2 + 2ab + b2.
b) Show that a finite integral domain is a field.
10. a) Define left ideal of a ring. Show that any intersection of left ideals of a ring is also a left ideal, but the union of two left ideals need not be a left ideal.
b) Show that an ideal M of a commutative ring R with unity is a maximal ideal iff R/M is a field.