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B.Sc. V - Semester Examination BS-VS/11 228866 CHEMISTRY Course No.: 501 Time Allowed: 3 hours                      ...

B.Sc. Chemistry Semester-5th Previous Year Old Question Paper Jammu University, Under Graduation

B.Sc. V - Semester Examination
Course No.: 501

Time Allowed: 3 hours                                                                           Maximum Marks: 80

Note: Attempt all questions from Section A and Section B and any three questions from Section C.


1. What is Van't Hoff equation? Why is it so called?

2. What is meant by triple point of water? Why is it different from the normal melting pointing of ice?

3. What is solubility product? Give its applications.

4. Enlist the applications of concentration cells.

5. List the important observations of photoelectric effect.

6. List the various conditions which an eigen function must satisfy.

7. What are the advantages of Raman Spectroscopy over Infrared Spectroscopy?

8. How is the pure rotational spectrum be used in the calculation of bond length?

9. Discuss between thermal and photochemical processes.

10. What is magnetic susceptibility? How is it related to magnetic moment?


1. Define the law of chemical equilibrium. How can it be derived thermodynamically? (1, 5)


Explain the following terms using diagrammatic sketch:  (3, 3)

a) Eutectic point

b) Invariant system

2. How does equivalent conductance of an electrolyte vary with dilution?  (6)


Describe the standard hydrogen electrode. (6)

3. State and explain Compton Effect. (6)


Derive an expression for eigen function and eigen value for a particle in one-dimensional box.

4. What is molecular spectroscopy? How does it differ from atomic spectroscopy? Draw the molecular energy levels of first two electronic levels.  (6)


Write notes on:

a)  Frank-Condon principle

b) Born-Oppenheimer approximation
(3, 3)

5. State and explain Stark-Einstein law. (6)


What information can dipole moment give about the structure of a molecule? Give examples.  (6)


1. Draw a labelled phase diagram for sulphur system. Explain clearly the main points of information about the equilibria represented in various areas, along with different lines and at various points of the diagram. (2, 8)

2. What are reversible and irreversible cells? Explain each of them with a suitable example. (5, 5)

3. a) Explain the various postulates of quantum mechanics.

    b) Evaluate the commutator [d/dx, d2/dx].
(8, 2)

a) Derive an expression for the frequency of the rotational lines in the pure rotational spectrum.

    b) Calculate the rotational constant of H-Cl. The H-Cl bond length is 136 pm.
(7, 3)

What do you understand by the electrical polarization of molecules? Derive Clausius-Mosotti equation. (10)