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B.Sc. VI Semester Examination BS-VIS/5 26547 CHEMISTRY Course No. : 601 (Organic Chemistry) Time Allowed-3 Hours    ...

B.Sc. Chemistry Semester-6th Previous Year Old Question Paper Jammu University, Under Graduation

B.Sc. VI Semester Examination
Course No. : 601
(Organic Chemistry)
Time Allowed-3 Hours                                                                     Maximum Marks-80

Section – A (Very Short Answer Type Questions)

Note: Attempt all ten questions. Each Question carries 2 marks.

1. What are chromophores? Give one example.

2. Define chemical shift.

3. Give one method of synthesis of Grignard reagent.

4. What is Zeigler - Natta catalyst?

5. Write down the product of the following reaction:
6. What is hydroboration?

7. Write down the molecular orbital diagram of Thiophene.

8. Write down the structure of Indigo.

9. Define electrophoresis.

10. What are glycosides? Give one example.

Section – B (Short Answer Type Questions)

Note: Attempt five questions one from each unit. Each question is of 6 marks.


11. How will you distinguish between aldehydes and ketones using IR spectroscopy?

12. Define coupling constant. Discuss its significance in distinguishing between cis- and trans- stilbene.


13. Write down the product along with mechanism of the following reaction:

14. Give two methods of synthesis of ethyl acetoacetate.

15. What are phase transfer catalysts? Give one example of a reaction catalyzed by these catalysts.

16. Discuss the conformational analysis of mono-substituted cyclohexanes.

17. Among pyridine and pyrrole, which one is more basic and why?

18. Give one method of the synthesis of methyl orange.


19. How will you carry out the selective hydrolysis of peptides?

20.  What is mutarotation? Discuss its mechanism.

Section – C (Long Answer Type Questions)

Note: Attempt three questions. Each question is of 10 marks.

21. Calculate λmax (Ï€ – Ï€*) of the following compounds using Woodward - Fieser rules:

22. Write down the product along with mechanisms of the following reaction:
23. Write short notes on the stereochemistry of E2 anti-eliminations.

24. Write down the product and give the mechanism of the following reaction:
25. How will you prepare glucosazone? Give mechanism of its formation.